School Age

Even though we may only see our school-age children for a few hours a week, they still make a big impact at the Academy.  Our school-age students are the role models for our younger scholars.  We love seeing our students come to the Academy after school and hear their stories about their day!  

Entering school can be a challenging transition for a child, but when they have a routine for before and after school activities, they are more likely to be successful in meeting the academic standards.  

We offer programs at the Empowerment Station Academy to continue to support our older students in their social, emotional and cognitive development.  Some of these programs include Summer Camps and After-School Tutoring.  We offer a special After-School activity area for our students where they can engage in sports, board games, or some quiet time to regroup after a busy school day. 

Our educators at ESA will partner with your child’s team at their local school district in order to assist those students who need extra supports to become fluent readers.  Learning never stops at Empowerment Station Academy.  

“Today a reader , tomorrow a leader.”
–Margaret Fuller

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